
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The first step: Grocery shopping

So I understand healthy eating is overwhelming when your starting from scratch. What foods do I buy? How much does it cost? How much do I buy? These are all questions that you have asked yourself. Here I want to guide you into healthy eating by showing you what I purchase and how often, and what I always have on my shelf.
1. The grocery list:
- I separate my list into the different departments and have set some guidelines so that I don't over spend and get the best deals. This is not me telling you word for word what to buy just simply giving ideas and helping you customize your grocery list.

2 Frozen (these can last several weeks)  broccoli and peas.
4-5 Fresh/cheap/ on sale: Carrots, potato, onion, green pepper, bagged lettuce, sweet potato,
2-3 splurge: Red pepper, mushrooms, squash, leeks, sugar snap peas, tomato, avocado.
(Some of these could be considered cheaper when on sale, but their typically more expensive)
*Bagged lettuce helps when your short for time
*I always have carrots, and sugar snap peas for snacking and packing.

7 Bananas (Cheap!)
4 Apples/ pears (summer opt for peaches and plums)
1 Orange or Grapefruit
1 Pack of any berry (expensive so I don't always get them)
Grapes (only get when on sale)
Lemon (use to flavor my water)
2 Frozen (I make smoothies once and awhile and they last long)
*You should have about two pieces of fruit a day, and eat with protein to avoid the spike in blood sugar.

Dairy: (Check dates to get the most out of what you buy)
16oz skim milk (Soy or almond: Size depending on how much you drink)
Cottage cheese (eat this with my grapes, great snack!)
Yogurt- I get a tub of plain Greek it last two weeks. If you like flavors get that.
Eggs- I buy a 6pk and a carton of egg whites each week
Cheese- cheese last a while if stored properly, I keep Parmesan, cheddar, and mozzarella part skim.

Sweets: (I buy two sweets at a time here are some ideas. I choose healthier foods but as long as you eat them in moderation you can get anything).
-Gelato ice cream
-Dark chocolate bar
-Clif dried fruit ropes
-Caramel rice cakes

Grains: (I don't buy these every week because they can be stored for months. This is what I keep in my cabinet.)
-2 kinds of whole wheat pasta
-Brown rice, basmati rice, arborio rice, wild rice.
-Ezekiel 4:9 sprouted wheat bread (frozen last three weeks)
-Beans- Black, garbanzo
-Nuts- Almonds (good to eat with fruit)
-Chips/ Popcorn/ pretzels: Pick one every two weeks... and choose smart. Blue corn chips, soy chips, organic lightly salted popcorn. Look at the ingredients list, it should short and simple.

Chicken: boneless skinless breast
White albacore tuna
Deli turkey meat
*I buy a pack of chicken divide it into 4 oz pieces and freeze it, last close to two months but I don't eat that much meat.
*I buy organic sliced turkey which isn't really the same as typical deli meat. It's super expensive and I rarely buy it, but turkey is a good meat to incorporate into your diet.

Stevia sweetener
Lemon (I said before)
POM juice
Function: Alternative energy drinks (my caffeine fix)
*For the most part I drink water with added flavors

Must have:
Peanut butter
Spices- Cinnamon, crushed red peppers, salt&pepper, vanilla extract (spices are a work in progress)
Olive oil
Baking supplies: oat flour, raw sugar, baking soda and powder, rolled oats, flaxseed
Vegetable broth
Instant oatmeal
Kashi cereal or what ever you prefer 1 box: last 2 weeks or more
Granola bars: I find coupons and sales for my favorites: Luna, Lara Bar, Cliff mojo.
Lite Mayo (I hardly ever use this, only about a tsp in my tofu)
Syrup: Agave, maple or honey (I hate honey but a lot of people like it so I added it)
Caesar dressing (your favorite)
*I may have for got some things but this is a good start. You Obviously don't buy these items every week they are in your cabinet/ fridge for lengths of time.

Having these basics every week will make cooking meals, and putting together snacks super easy.

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