
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Fat Free Fake Out!

My biggest pet peeve when it comes to healthy eating is that people assume anything with the words "fat free" or "diet" are healthy. Then think that it's ok to eat way more of it because it says that. NO NO NO!
Americans in general are obsessed with the idea of dieting. We jump right into them and just as quickly fall right back out. Who could blame us!? We have the media practically shoving these ideas down our throats. Well personally I think diets are stupid.  Healthy eating is about self control, education, and making smart choices on a daily basis. So here is a little education of the myths of fat free foods.

1. "Fat free" should really be called "extra sugar and body damaging chemicals". Sugar and other chemicals are often added to supplement the change in taste.
2. People think "fat free" gives them the liberty to eat as much as they want. This leads me to fact number 3.
3. When we consume more food than we need our body stores the excess. Sugar is stored the same way as fat. What good are we doing by replacing fat with an excess amount of sugar.
4. OUR body needs fat! If your gonna cut out fat from the processed foods you buy then at least replace them with healthy fats. There are tons of different oils that have healthy fats like olive oil, coconut oil, flaxseed oil etc. Also nuts, and avocados have fats that are good for us. However, fats should be used in moderation.
5. I would recommend buying your dairy products in reduced fat forms.

This isn't rocket science you just need to think a little. If you buy light dressing don't allow yourself to cover every inch of lettuce with it. Don't replace your lunch with a bag of fat- free candies...that's not healthy.  Do replace your cooking oils to a healthier option. Don't be scared of the word fat, but be conscience of the amout/type.

Here are two amazing links to guide you and further educate you on fats.


  1. amen to that! just as another example reduced fat pb is way worse than the normal stuff. love the new look btw :)

  2. Thanks! It's a work in progress I can't figure out how to change the format and make tabs.
