
Friday, March 2, 2012

It's a Toss up

Out all day?  Tired when you get home? Short on time? Need a protein meal? Salads are your answer. They are easy to pack when your out and about and super quick to make. You can get all the flavors of a typical meal, feel full, and spend half the calories. There are so many ways to dress a salad and make it unique.  Here is my salad making technique!

This is a romaine red cabbage mix of greens. I added chickpeas, cranberries, and garbanzo beans. For the dressing I used Caesar, lemon, salt and pepper.

Bagged Greens:(I buy bagged lettuce and use about half the bag per salad if I'm really hungry I use the whole bag.)
Spring Mix
Cabbage mix
(Not iceberg! There is no nutritional value in iceberg if you need the crunch add cabbage or eat the center of romaine. The darker the green the better it is for you. I also switch it up between different greens so I don't get bored.)

Any Bean: garbanzo, kidney, blackbeans, etc
Meat: chicken, turkey, tuna (I normally don't add meat unless I have the time to make it)
Nuts: almonds, sunflower seeds, walnuts etc
(I prefer shredded and smaller nuts for salads)

Any shredded cheese my favorite is parmesan!
only use about a tablespoon

Dried fruits
apricots, cranberries, raisins etc
Sprinkle on a few (high in sugar) for a sweet taste

I always add a few shakes of salt and pepper and squeeze a bit of lemon juice over my salad before any dressing. This adds flavor so that you don't over do the dressing.
I buy 365 brand organic caesar dressing and use about a tablespoon (use the dressing you like)
If you don't want dressing use olive  oil and vinegar to taste.

Here are just a few ideas but the possibilities are endless.

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