
Friday, April 13, 2012

Chicken Salad Sandwich

Over the past few weeks I have been taking my diet serious. I always eat healthy foods, but sometimes I overeat and to me that's just as bad as eating unhealthy food. I work in a cafeteria so it's hard to avoid the fried foods, and cheesy pastas. BUT! It's something I work on everyday. With summer around the corner I have been modifying my diet to get in swimsuit shape! By that I mean cutting out wheat/gluten, and increasing the amount of protein per meal. Now I don't believe in a low carb diet! Carbs are IMPORTANT! I eat brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal, brown rice pasta, sprouted grain bread, fruits, carrots, potatos etc. Notice how no where in that sentence does it say whole wheat pasta or 100% whole wheat bread! Those are icky and I hope I can make it a permanent aspect of my diet (not just summer). As a side note increasing protein does mean you need to workout, because otherwise its pointless.  For myself I do pilates, run, eliptical, walk, and even use online sites to get different workouts. Anyway's back to food talk! I have been slacking in the meat department because it takes time to cook, and it's expensive. However, I need the extra protein. Forcing my self to have meat for at least one meal a day has lead me to get creative with my chicken! So here is my summer inspired recipe for a healthy chicken sandwich/salad.
It took me about 15 min to make this meal, and it was so easy! 
I had a half sandwich and ate the rest like a salad. I def was full!
Ingredients: (2-4 servings depending on how hungry you are)
6 oz Chicken
2 stalks Organic Celery
1/2 Apple Chopped (organic gala)
1 7oz container Fage 0% greek yogurt
6 Almonds
Chopped red onion- idk maybe 2tbsp
Sprouted Grain Bread- I used Ezekiel 4:9 brand
Sea Salt & Pepper
Directions- Cook chicken. I just pan fried mine with a bit of coconut oil and sea salt. Chopped almonds and other ingredients. Combine and stir in yogurt. Add salt and pepper to taste. Place on bread or eat in salad form or in my case both! Enjoy :)

This recipe is open for interpretation: maybe add some grapes instead of apples, white onion instead of red, walnuts instead of almonds, sugar snap peas instead of celery or whatever your little heart desires...

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