
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Veggie Orzo: A New Grain Discovery

My mom is a huge fan of Out Post natural food market, and recently brought me along to check it out. She also set a goal to try a new grain from the bulk food section every time she shops there. And, since I was with , I got the honors of picking a new grain to try.

Being a visual eater, I naturally picked the most colorful grain I could find!

*Veggie Orzo*
That night we made it for dinner, and it was a hit! I would say it has a rubberier (probably not a word) texture, like eating little gelatin beads. I just ate it with a little bit of salt and mixed in some of the pork from our dinner. My mom picked up some more the next time she went and we had it again, and I still liked it just as much as the first time.

Sooo if your looking to try something new I would recommend getting some veggie orzo!!!


  1. Yum! Looks like an adventure! Where is that place? I've never heard of it...

  2. It's like a mini whole foods I'm not really sure where it is you would have to ask my mom.
