
Monday, July 16, 2012

Meals of the day!

Finally A day off! And a perfect day to blog:)

Today I wanted to do another blog about each meal/snack I ate for the day!
Breakfast: It's really important to have a solid breakfast in the morning. It sets the mood for the rest of your meals, and eating choices through out the day. Fruit is great any time a day, but it does contain sugar. Even though it's fructose, sugar is sugar and it will raise your blood sugar levels. Paring it with almonds, which have protein, minimize the spike in blood glucose levels. I also included a slice of sprouted grain bread, with a small amount of butter, for some carbs. Breakfast is the best time of day to have carbohydrates because they give you energy. And when you don't drink coffee like me, you need all the energy you can get!!
Ingredients: Under 200 calories
1 Peach sliced
10 All natural almonds-
1 Slice of Cinnamon raisin sprouted grain bread 
1tsp salted butter-on bread

WATER! 20fl oz

Lunch: Garden Fresh veggies :)
This morning I went to water the areas of the garden that were drooping. And as I was down there I found A huge yellow squash, a good size patty pan squash, two hand fulls of snap peas, a few cherry tomatoes, and about 12 cucumbers! I had some red onion left in the fridge and was inspired! I also included a quick video of me cooking! 
1 Patty pan squash (my all time favorite)
1/2 medium red onion
4 small cherry tomatoes halved
2 tsp olive oil
1 slice sprouted grain bread 
Chop veggies, place in frying pan with oil, sautee, salt, and enjoy!
Post Work out Snack:
15 Dark chocolate Almonds
Handful Cherries

 Dinner: For dinner I needed to incorporate some protein! So I cooked up some chicken and turned it into an amazing salad. I also had a ton of cucumbers from the garden so I had those on the side. Plus water!

3 oz Chicken breast
1 tsp Olive oil
1/2 White onion sliced
5 Almonds slivered
2 cups Lettuce
3tbsp vinegar
Cucumber salad
1 cup Peeled cucumbers
soaked in salt, vinegar for couple hours

 Dessert/sweet snack:
1 Peeled Kiwi
1 Cascadian farms organic dark chocolate granola bar

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Melons Galore!

We all have our weaknesses when it comes to summer...*cough* ICE CREAM. Trust me when I say I get my fair share of ice cream! Between Uncle Harry's, Culvers, the Frozen Ladle, and the grocery store, I have more Ice cream than Crazy old women have cats. Any way I wanted to offer a little piece of advice to help when our ice cream eating gets out of control.

My advice-Melons!

Melons are juicy, crunchy, and most importantly sweet!

If I have some honeydew cut up in the fridge I am more likely to grab that than run to the store, waste my gas and get ice cream. That is coming from someone who spends 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week cutting fruit! Still not sick of it :) Plus, melons have a high water content. This fills you up with fewer calories and hydrates you, which is extremely important during these hot months of summer. Melons are great any time of day. I eat them for breakfast, maybe an after pool snack, and even as a side with lunch or dinner. 

To prove a point...

1 cup of ice cream (this does vary)= 250-300 calories
1 cup of watermelon = about 50 calories
AHHH ICecream Everywhere!

You would have to eat 5-6 cup s of water melon to reach the caloric content of a cup of ice cream. And most of us eat more than a cup of ice cream in one sitting! Eating that much melon would be awfully uncomfortable in my opinion. So once and a sh

Food for thought:
Watermelon                              Cantaloupe                            Honeydew
-Vitamin A                                -Vitamin C                            -Folate (good for reproduction)
-Vitamin C                                - Beta carotene
-Potassium                              (orange, good for eyes)