
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Open face sandwhich

We all love our Subway and Quizno sandwiches ... but! with two slices of bread comes too many carbs. For those who are trying to lose weight sandwiches, and pounds of bread can slow the process. There are two techniques I like to use when faced with burgers, and sandwiches.

#1 Scooping- This is just simply "scooping" out the bulk of the bun, so it makes more of a bowl shape. This is especially great when at a restaurant, because the buns are often soaked in butter, or oil. By taking out the under surface of the bun you take out any unnecessary carbs and fat. This can also be used for bulky subs, english muffins, or bagels.

#2 Open faced- Basically a sandwich minus a slice of bread. I know this isn't rocket science, but a lot of people don't do this. I just put the meat or heavier portions on top rather than the greens. This method is best when making your own sandwiches at home, but obviously you can to this for any two bread meal.

Here is an example of how I made a delicious open faced sandwich.

Raisin honey sprouted bread-1 slice
Arizona heat mustard- 1 tsp
Parmesan cheese- 1 tbsp
Deli meat- chicken (not healthy's what I had)

Directions: I think this should be self explanatory

Monday, May 7, 2012

Tuna Stir Fry

So I work in a cafeteria/ convenient store, and for the most part the food there is Junk. I am also guilty of eating   LARGE amounts of that junk, BUT I know it's junk. With that being said I have a story that is a good example of why programs like Weight Watchers do not promote healthy eating. If you don't know, weight watchers is based on a point system. Pretty much every food out there is worth a certain amount of points based on fat, protein and carbohydrate content. So an apple is one point, but so is a whole egg. These  are two totally different types of food, but now all of a sudden they are equal? Now here is where this concept makes me mad. A girl came to check out her snacks and was calculating her points out loud, "lunchable 7 points, snickers 5 points...and so on. Then proceeded to say, " I just started weight watchers, it sucks having to eat healthy"!? Seriously.... 
I wanted so bad to just say you are going about this all wrong, but obviously that's not my place or job. It was eating me up inside that people are this oblivious to what there putting in their mouth. And these weight loss programs are only enabling these habits. Food is so much more than a point scale, and I can't stress that enough.
OK oK ok I'm done.
Oh sprinkle on some Parmesan cheese!
In typical Rachel fashion, this recipe is a few simple ingredients. It has amazing flavor, and will fill you up!
Red onion- Lots! (about a half onion chopped up how ever you like)
Broccoli-Lots! 1-2 cups (frozen)
Tuna- 1 can
1 tsp oil (I happened to use coconut oil, but olive oil works or whatever)
Sea salt- to taste
Crushed Red Peppers-optional 

Directions: (5-10 min total)
Microwave broccoli, and open can of tuna. Place oil and onions in a medium sauce pan. Cook on low till onions are tender. Add broccoli and tuna. Cook for a few mins so everything just comes together. Season as you add ingredients. 
Final Product

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tooty Fruity Tuna

Just a quick summer lunch idea!

1 can of tuna (I prefer white albacore)
2 tbsp Fage 0% Greek yogurt
1tsp Light Agave Nectar (or other sweetener NOT splenda)
1/2 Gala apple cubed
1 Strawberry diced

Directions: Mix together and Enjoy!